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For this project we asked students to think of questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class. 



Question: How many different 

breeds of dogs are there in the 


Answer: There are about 300 different breeds 

of dogs in the world. 


Question: Why do Indian girls 

have a dot on the center of 

their forehead?

Answer:Indian girls have a dot 

on the center of their forehed because it is a 

religious symbol.


Question: How many chainsaw 

companies are in Africa?

Answer: There are three 

chainsaw companies in Africa.


Question: How many people 

are there in the world?

Answer: There are about 7 

billion people in the world.


Question: How old is the oldest person in the world?

Answer:The oldest person in the world is 113 years old.


Question: How do boats float on top of the sea?

Answer: Boats float on top of the sea, because they have less density and less volume than the sea.


Question: Where was football invented? 

Answer: Football was invented in England in the year 1868.

Èric R

Question: Where does the name Anabel come from?

Answer: Most people believe that Anabel is the combination of Anna and Belle. This is incorrect, it comes  from the Scottish name Annabelle.


Question: Is tap water good or bad in Terrassa?

Answer: The tap water in Terrassa is safe to use and drink but, has a very strong taste. I like it but bottled water is safer.


Question: How do you draw realistic animal?

Answer: To draw a realistic animal you can go to the zoo and see real animals or copy a photo from a magazine.


Question: How many types of plants are there in the whole world?

Answer: There are about 298 thousand types  of plants around the world.


Question: How many volcanoes are there in the world?

Answer: There are 36 active volcanoes and 1555 total volcanoes in the world.


Question: What is the amount of fishes in the sea?

Answer: There are 874 million fishes in the sea.


Question: How do you drive a manual car?

Answer: To drive a manual car you have to start with the gearbox in neutral. Then you have to press the clutch, the foot pedal on the left, and move the car into the correct gear for the car to move.


Question: How do you build a swimming pool?

Answer: To build a swimming pool you have to dig a hole in the ground and then fill it with cement. Later you make the shape of the stairs and fill with water.


Question: Why are butterflies different colours?

Answer: Butteflies are different colours because they use their colours to camouflage or frighten predators.


Question: How many beaches are there in the world?

Answer: There are 682 beaches in the world.


Question: Who invented and created the television show Yo-Kai?

Answer: The creator of the Yo-kai manga was Noriyuki Konishi. The first chapter of this series was aired on television on January 8th, 2014.


Question: Who is the quickest child to calculate math equations?

Answer: The quickest child to calculate  math equations is Samarth Bhagyesh. He is eleven years old and he is from India.

Èric M

Question: How many islands are there in the world?

Answer: There are 100 thousand islands around the world.


Question: Why do people see colours differently?

Answer: The brain of the human is very complicated. There is a huge difference on how we see colours. It depends on the amount of light that goes into our eyes. 


Question: Where is the longest beach in the world?

Answer: The longest beach in the world is in Rio Grande in the city of Brazil.  


Question: What is the sum of people who live in France and who live in Mexico?

Answer: The sum of the population of France and Mexico is 194 128 000. 


How do you say "LLAPIS" in English? pencil

What colour is this in English? red

How do you say "GOS"in English? dog

How do you say "PILOTA"in English? ball


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Individual Research Grade 6

For this project we asked students to think of interesting questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Núria: Question: Why do plants have flowers? Answer: To survive, each plant must reproduce or create new plants. In their interior, many plants have flowers. This flowers are needed for the reproduction proccess. Mariona: Question: Who invented time? Answer: Stanford Fleming invented time zones between 1879 and 1929. He was born in Scotland but moved to Canada when he was 18 years old. Aitor: Question: How many litres of water is there in the sea? Answer: There is 1 sextillion, 370 quintillion litres of water in the sea. This number is so big it has 18 zeros at the end of it. Marc: Question: Why are planets round? Answer:  Not all planets are round. The ones that are round are this shape because gravity creates a force that leaves them round.


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