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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: 2017


For this project we asked students to think of questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.    Alok Question: How many different  breeds of dogs are there in the  world? Answer: There are about 300 different breeds  of dogs in the world.  Martina Question: Why do Indian girls  have a dot on the center of  their forehead? Answer: Indian girls have a dot  on the center of their forehed because it is a  religious symbol. Enric Question: How many chainsaw  companies are in Africa? Answer: T here are three  chainsaw companies in Africa. Clàudia Question: How many people  are there in the world? Answer: There are about 7  billion people in the world. Sara Question: How old is the oldest person in the world? Answer: The oldest person in the world is 113 years old. Guillem Question: How do boats float on t