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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juny, 2018

Individual Research Grade 6

For this project we asked students to think of interesting questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Núria: Question: Why do plants have flowers? Answer: To survive, each plant must reproduce or create new plants. In their interior, many plants have flowers. This flowers are needed for the reproduction proccess. Mariona: Question: Who invented time? Answer: Stanford Fleming invented time zones between 1879 and 1929. He was born in Scotland but moved to Canada when he was 18 years old. Aitor: Question: How many litres of water is there in the sea? Answer: There is 1 sextillion, 370 quintillion litres of water in the sea. This number is so big it has 18 zeros at the end of it. Marc: Question: Why are planets round? Answer:  Not all planets are round. The ones that are round are this shape because gravity creates a force that leaves them round.