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For this project we asked students to think of questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Ariadna Question: Why can´t we remember our dreams in the morning? Answer: As humans we have 5 phases when we are sleeping. Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 and phase REM. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. Phases 1 and 2 are light sleep, we can wake up at any moment and remember parts of the dream. In phases 3 and 4 we are sleeping so deepely that we will not remember our dream when we wake up. In REM phase we disconnect from reality and we cannot remember what we have dreamed. Laia Question: Who is the best gymnast in the world?   Answer : Nadia Comenchi is a Romanian retired gymnast. She is a five time olympic gold medalist in individual events. Comenchi was the first gymnast ever to be a warded a perfect 10.0 at the olympic games in 1976. Comenchi is said to have made the sport of gymnast

INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH: 5th grade 18.19

For this project we asked students to think of questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Zi hao Question : How o you say ´Casa´in English?         How do you say ´Cadira´in English?         How do you say ´Papallona´in English? Answer: House, Chair, Butterfly Lluís Question : What was the first ever animated movie? Answer: It was ´Humourous phases of funny faces´ a silent cartoon that was released in 1906. It was made by J. Stuart Blackton. Èric M Question : What are the most famous monuments in the world? Answer: The most famous monument in the world is the Eiffel tower in Paris. It gets 6.7 million visitors a year.  It was designed and built by engineer Gustave Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition of 1889, held in Paris. Martina Question : How does a baby breath inside the mother´s belly? Answer: They do not breathe! Believe it or not babies