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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2018


5th grade pupils have created stories about animals. They have prepared magazines about their animals. They have been members of the AAU Association. They will present their findings in front of the class and they will present their stories to the P5 class. A STORY ABOUT BIRDS One day two birds were flying around the Vallparadis park. The female bird named Paula was looking for something to eat. Her favourite food was french fries but normally she ate worms. Suddenly, she saw a person eating a McDonalds meal. When they looked left she flew down as fast as she could and stole one french fry. Paula was so happy!  Mateo, Berta L, Berta M and Jana A STORY ABOUT CARACALS Many years ago, a caracal, was looking at two boys that were playing badminton. The caracal jumped and he grabbed the badminton birdie. He started to run away with it and he kept it in his home. The two boys went looking for the badminton birdie. They saw that the caracal leaving his home to get l


Fenòmens atmosfèrics relacionats amb un comandament      Un bon dia, un senyor anomenat Estanis caminant per la platja trobà un comandament estrany a la sorra. L'home encuriosit s'ajupí per agafar-lo. Tenia tres botons. L'Estanis se'l mirà i ja decidit polsà el primer botó. Saltà com una ballarina perquè l'aigua del mar, de cop, començà a esvalotar-se. Clicà el segon botó per veure si les onades es tranquil·litzen després d'aquell succés. L'Estanis deixà el comandament tan estrany a terra i se'n va anar amb por pel què havia passat. Jan Rossinyol i Jan Blanco El Xavi      En Xavi era un nen de 13 anys a qui li agradava anar a la platja amb la seva família. Es va cansar de banyar-se i va decidir anar a fer un volt. Damunt la sorra, va veure un artefacte molt estrany. El va agafar i va veure que era un comandament molt vell per que estava una mica rovellat. Va prémer el botó tot decidit, però en Xavi no va pensar que estava mullat per haver-s