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5th grade pupils have created stories about animals. They have prepared magazines about their animals. They have been members of the AAU Association. They will present their findings in front of the class and they will present their stories to the P5 class.


One day two birds were flying around the Vallparadis park. The female bird named Paula was looking for something to eat. Her favourite food was french fries but normally she ate worms. Suddenly, she saw a person eating a McDonalds meal. When they looked left she flew down as fast as she could and stole one french fry. Paula was so happy! 

Mateo, Berta L, Berta M and Jana


Many years ago, a caracal, was looking at two boys that were playing badminton. The caracal jumped and he grabbed the badminton birdie. He started to run away with it and he kept it in his home. The two boys went looking for the badminton birdie. They saw that the caracal leaving his home to get lunch. They ran into the caracal’s home and took their badminton birdie. They ran away laughing. 

Marcel, Martí, Marco, Ferran and Arnau


One day a male dolphin named John and a female dolphin named Clare met in the Great Barrier Reef. They became good friends and they decided to go to Amazon River. On the way they found a shark. The shark wanted to attack them because he was very hungry. They swam as fast as they could and escaped. John said, “Hooray! We are safe!” and he gave Clare a high five! 

Biel, Guille, Jan and Albert


One day a jaguar was sleeping and when he woke up, he had a lot of energy. He wanted to go to play with his friends. While he was playing, it was very windy and suddenly, all the jaguar’s spots flew away. His friends were telling him that he didn’t have any spots. They decided to look for the spots. They reached the forest. They were very fascinated because this forest was full of marshmallows and sweets. Then, the jaguar saw that all his spots were on top of a mountain. He climbed it with a lot of energy and when he arrived, he took all his spots. He put them over his body and he came back with his friends. They were very happy. They took lot of sweets and they went home.

Jana B, Laia, Ariadna and Emma


One day a baby polar bear was very hungry and he decided to look for food. On the way, he realised that he was lost. Suddenly he saw a penguin and he explained that he was lost and he doesn’t know where his mum is. The penguin decided to help him. While they were looking for her, they saw a hunter. They started to run and to run and they can be hide inside a big cave. One hour later, they heard a voice saying: “My baby! My baby! Where are you? I am your mummy!” When the baby polar bear realised that she was her mummy, they started to run and they saw her. They were very happy and they decided that his friend Penguin could stay at their house for lunch. 

Mireia, Ona, Laura and Siamar


One day a walrus named Peter was swimming. Peter was calm and happy. Suddenly he saw a jellyfish. It was very weird because Peter had not seen a jellyfish for many years. Peter thought that the jellyfish was magical. It was fluorescent. He followed the jellyfish into the deepest part of the ocean. Suddenly, it got very dark and the jellyfish disappeared. “Surprise, Happy Birthday Peter!”  Peter´s family and friends were all there. They ate cake and Peter opened his birthday presents. 

Guillem, Joan, Roger, Xavier and Carlos


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Individual Research Grade 6

For this project we asked students to think of interesting questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Núria: Question: Why do plants have flowers? Answer: To survive, each plant must reproduce or create new plants. In their interior, many plants have flowers. This flowers are needed for the reproduction proccess. Mariona: Question: Who invented time? Answer: Stanford Fleming invented time zones between 1879 and 1929. He was born in Scotland but moved to Canada when he was 18 years old. Aitor: Question: How many litres of water is there in the sea? Answer: There is 1 sextillion, 370 quintillion litres of water in the sea. This number is so big it has 18 zeros at the end of it. Marc: Question: Why are planets round? Answer:  Not all planets are round. The ones that are round are this shape because gravity creates a force that leaves them round.


Fenòmens atmosfèrics relacionats amb un comandament      Un bon dia, un senyor anomenat Estanis caminant per la platja trobà un comandament estrany a la sorra. L'home encuriosit s'ajupí per agafar-lo. Tenia tres botons. L'Estanis se'l mirà i ja decidit polsà el primer botó. Saltà com una ballarina perquè l'aigua del mar, de cop, començà a esvalotar-se. Clicà el segon botó per veure si les onades es tranquil·litzen després d'aquell succés. L'Estanis deixà el comandament tan estrany a terra i se'n va anar amb por pel què havia passat. Jan Rossinyol i Jan Blanco El Xavi      En Xavi era un nen de 13 anys a qui li agradava anar a la platja amb la seva família. Es va cansar de banyar-se i va decidir anar a fer un volt. Damunt la sorra, va veure un artefacte molt estrany. El va agafar i va veure que era un comandament molt vell per que estava una mica rovellat. Va prémer el botó tot decidit, però en Xavi no va pensar que estava mullat per haver-s

Anècdotes de la infància

Anècdotes de la infància    A sisè hem treballat la biografia a partir de dos personatges destacats en la història: Marie Curie i Ana Frank. Hem analitzat col·lectivament les parts d'aquest tipus de text per elaborar-ne una d'un personatge famós. Després cada noi/a ha escrit una anècdota de la seva infància, com un retall de la seva autobiografia. Anècdota de la Nora    Quan tenia 4 anys, vàrem fer un viatge a París amb els pares i el meu germà. Vam visitar el parc d'atraccions d'Eurodisney. Ens van portar una mica enganyats, perquè a l'hotel on ens vàrem allotjar hi havia un ascensor que a l'última planta, la 8a, queies de cop a la 1a planta i tornava a fer el mateix vàries vegades. Vaig passar molta por i vaig arribar a dalt plorant. Nosaltres l'anomenem l'ascensor bèstia.    Fa dos anys, vàrem tornar a París i no ens vam atrevir a pujar-hi! Anècdota de la Jana    Quan tenia un any i tretze dies era a l'Escala amb uns cosins. Jo no s