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For this project we asked students to think of questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class. 


Question: Why can´t we remember our dreams in the morning?

Answer: As humans we have 5 phases when we are sleeping. Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 and phase REM. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. Phases 1 and 2 are light sleep, we can wake up at any moment and remember parts of the dream. In phases 3 and 4 we are sleeping so deepely that we will not remember our dream when we wake up. In REM phase we disconnect from reality and we cannot remember what we have dreamed.


Question: Who is the best gymnast in the world? 
Answer : Nadia Comenchi is a Romanian retired gymnast. She is a five time olympic gold medalist in individual events. Comenchi was the first gymnast ever to be a warded a perfect 10.0 at the olympic games in 1976. Comenchi is said to have made the sport of gymnastics popular.

Question: Why do rhinos have horns?
Answer: Rhinos have horns to fight other rhinos. Usually rhinos fight about territory. If they lose a horn during a fight or in an accident, the horn grows back quickly. A rhinos horns never stop growing.

Question: How can chickens still walk without their heads?
Answer: Chickens are able to run without their head because the majority of their movements are controlled by a neural network in their spine. Although they can still run, this only lasts for a few seconds before the chicken dies.

Question: Why are flamingos pink?
Answer: When Flamingos are babies their feathers are grey but as they become older their feathers turn pink, orange and red. This happens because they eat seaweed and crustaceans that have a pigment called Cantha Xanthin. The flamingos absorb this pigment into their feathers.

Question : Who created chocolate?
Answer: The first people to use the cocoa bean were the mayans. The mayans lived in central america and discovered the cocoa bean in 900AD. They made a hot and bitter drink which we now know as drinking chocolate. From then on cocoa became very popular.

Question: Why do babies drink milk?
Answer: The main reason babies drink milk is that breast milk contains all the necessary nutriants the baby needs to grow. Experts recommend breast feeding over bottle feeding. The first days of breastfeeding the milk is thick and yellowish, which protects the baby from infections and helps them stay healthy.

Question:  How many car companies are there in the world?
Answer: There are 155 car companies in the world. The biggest companies are Volkswagen, Toyota, Mercedes- Benz, Ford, Chevrolet and Nissan. The automotive industry is permanently growing and is one of the richest industries in America.

Question: How is an iceberg created?
Answer: Icebergs are formed when chunks of ice break off from glaciers, ice shelves or larger icebergs. When an iceberg reaches warm waters, the new climate attacks it from all sides.  On the icebergs surface warm air melts snow and ice into pools called melt ponds that can trickle through the iceberg and widen cracks.

Question: Which is the biggest national park in the world?
Answer: The biggest national park in the world is the Northeast Greenland national park in Denmark. The park was established in 1974. It has an area of 927,000 km squared. It was the first national park to be created in the kingdom of denmark and remains Greenlands only national park.  

Berta L.
Question: Why do roses smell?
Answer: Roses smell to attract insects, which carry the pollen so that they can reproduce. Flowers contain different aromatic substances. Depending on the time of day and the environmental conditions (especially the temperature and humidity), these substances are relaesed and produce a perfume. The aromatic substances are found in various parts of the plant such as the petal, stamen or pollen.

Question: Which is the richest hockey brand?
Answer: The richest hockey brand in the world is Addidas. In the European Hockey League, which is the professional league, almost all players have Addidas sticks. Addidas is a multinational corporation which was founded in Germany.

Question: What was the title of the first book, and where was it published?
Answer: The first written book that was published was ´The Epic of Gilgamesh´. It is a mythologized story of an historical figure, Gilgamesh, a ruler of the Sumerian city state of Uruk. Uruk was believed to have been ruled sometime between 2700-2500 BC. The book was published in the year 2100BC.

Question: What is the most famous film in the world?Answer: The most famous film in the world is Titanic. The film was released in 1997. It stars Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. It was the most expensive film ever made at the time and cost a total of 200 million dollars. The film won 11 oscars.

Question: Who is the most popular chef in Spain?
Answer: The most famous chef in Spain is Ferran Adria. His dishes are considered works of art. He also has the most famous restaurant in Spain, called Elbulli and has won the pellegrino award for four years.

Question: Will time travel be possible in the future?
Answer: Albert Einstein developed a theory called Special Relativity. This theory says that space and time are really aspects of the same thing. Because of this theory scientistd think that it could be possible to travel through to time if you travel close to the speed of light.

Question: What is the distance between the earth and the moon and how long would it take to travel to the moon?
Answer: The distance between the moon and the earth is 384,403 km. Light can make this journey in only 1.22 seconds.I takes around three days for a space craft to reach the moon. During this that time a spacecraft travels around 240,000 miles an hour.

Berta M.
Question: Why do we have a little finger if we don´t use it?
Answer: Humans are evolved from homosapiens. A long time ago our little fingers were very important and we used them to grip things. Through evolution the body has changed and we no longer need our little finger as much. Our little fingers have become smaller and weaker.

Question: Who is the richest football player in the world and how much do they earn?
Answer: The richest football player in the world is Christiano Ronaldo. He earns 140M$ a year. When he was 18 he signed with Manchester United and has been making money ever since. He has 654 career goals.
Jana B.
Question: Which animales are in danger of extinction?
Answer: At the moment there are many animales in danger of extinction. The Southern Rockhopper penguin is in danger of extinction due to climate change. In the last 30 years the population has fallen by more than 25%. Another endangered animal is the marine iguana. The sea level and air temperature can effect the iguanas nesting habitat and make it dangerous for them to lay eggs on the beach.

Question:  What was the first car to be made and where was it manufactured?
Answer: In 1808 the first car powered by internal combustion engine was made. The first cars were manufactured in Germany.

Jana C.
Question: Why is milk a cats favourite food?
Answer: Although cats like the taste of milk, the milk that we buy in supermarkets is not good for cats. When they are kittens, the milk they get from their mothers is very different to the milk we buy. Most adult cats are also lactose intolerant.

Question: What are the most expensive cars in the world?
Answer: The most expensive car in the world is the Rolls Royce Sweptails, it costs 13.000.000 $. This car was made in 2013. The second most expensive car in the world is the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita, which costs 4.5 million dollars. This car was made in 2009, the carmaker created a diamond-coated carbon fibre finish that gives the car a “sparkling, silvery white” appearance.  


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Individual Research Grade 6

For this project we asked students to think of interesting questions that they did not know the answer to. Then they had to research their question and present their findings to the class.  Núria: Question: Why do plants have flowers? Answer: To survive, each plant must reproduce or create new plants. In their interior, many plants have flowers. This flowers are needed for the reproduction proccess. Mariona: Question: Who invented time? Answer: Stanford Fleming invented time zones between 1879 and 1929. He was born in Scotland but moved to Canada when he was 18 years old. Aitor: Question: How many litres of water is there in the sea? Answer: There is 1 sextillion, 370 quintillion litres of water in the sea. This number is so big it has 18 zeros at the end of it. Marc: Question: Why are planets round? Answer:  Not all planets are round. The ones that are round are this shape because gravity creates a force that leaves them round.


Fenòmens atmosfèrics relacionats amb un comandament      Un bon dia, un senyor anomenat Estanis caminant per la platja trobà un comandament estrany a la sorra. L'home encuriosit s'ajupí per agafar-lo. Tenia tres botons. L'Estanis se'l mirà i ja decidit polsà el primer botó. Saltà com una ballarina perquè l'aigua del mar, de cop, començà a esvalotar-se. Clicà el segon botó per veure si les onades es tranquil·litzen després d'aquell succés. L'Estanis deixà el comandament tan estrany a terra i se'n va anar amb por pel què havia passat. Jan Rossinyol i Jan Blanco El Xavi      En Xavi era un nen de 13 anys a qui li agradava anar a la platja amb la seva família. Es va cansar de banyar-se i va decidir anar a fer un volt. Damunt la sorra, va veure un artefacte molt estrany. El va agafar i va veure que era un comandament molt vell per que estava una mica rovellat. Va prémer el botó tot decidit, però en Xavi no va pensar que estava mullat per haver-s